
The Party of the Greens has registered for independent participation in the elections

https://euroobserver.gr/balkans/the-party-of-the-greens-has-registered-for-independent-participation-in-the-elections-2?8459 Euroobserver.gr
The Party of the Greens has registered for independent participation in the elections

The true Party of the Greens has registered for independent participation in the upcoming elections. The party announced that it managed to collect the required 4,050 signatures for the Central Election Commission in just three days.

Following its success in local elections, the party now has a mayor in a regional city—Kyustendil—along with four other mayors in Simitli, Bobov Dol, Hayredin, and Nikolaevo, as well as 58 municipal councilors. The party received the support of nearly 30,000 citizens during those elections.

"Our ambition is to increase this result and, through a reasonable environmental protection policy, to make the Party of the Greens the leader among green organizations," the party commented.


  • The reality is that the election is right around the corner and many votes wont even happen. Get out and vote.

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